2 Feb 2011

Fish Tank

Without google I am like fish without a bicycle. Say, why a fish would need a bicycle? It's obvious. Fish need no bicycles. They live underwater, have no legs and stuff, they swim. But believe me, I heard them once bubbling in a fish tank that was standing on my friend's desk about the advantages of using bicycles. One of them, a guppy I suppose, was trying to convince the other habitants of the tank, that what they need is to write a petition, yeah, fish writing a petition, with fish pens, on fish pieces of paper in a fish tank, a petition, mind me, to God to send them a bicycle so that they could harness a hamster to it to amuse themselves. The other fish listened carefully, and some of them, like the sucking loach, who is, all in all, glued to the glass of the tank no matter what happens on the other side of it, thought it might be a great idea to have a hamster cycling on a bicycle - than another fish could reproach him for doing nothing for the whole day, but staring at the world outside. A dreamer, mind me, they said to him, stuck in the world of his own, not able to grasp the great ideas of fishsophers that were here behind him and who conjectured about the highest of fish ideas. The loach became so absorbed with the idea of getting a bicycle and harnessing a hamster to it, that he didn't realize all the other fishes were gone. 'What the heck,' he thought, 'where is everybody?' He forgot it was the feeding time, the big two legged creature, their personal slave and, mind me, my friend, gave them food, the best of the best. Only the loach was free and not enslaved by the, poor others, sweet ambrosia that fell onto the surface of water. He ate shit, and he enjoyed it much. And now, as he watched the two legged funny creature that they managed to enslave with the power of their thoughts feeding the others, he realized they need no hamster. They can easily incept an idea into the creature's mind and make IT amuse them on a biciycle. Oh, how cunning he was! He gathered all his thoughts, started to think really really hard to creep into it's mind and... just as he was almost there he... blew up. The others decided to play a nasty joke on him, as they already forgot about the hamster thing and everything returned to it's natural state of swimming, saying 'Hello' to each other and eating. They were surprized of the sudden and unexpected blow of their friend but... 'What was it?' Without google I am like fish without a bicycle. I need it. Yeah.

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